Sunday, November 22, 2009

Methodology of Islamic Economics

Written by Muhammad Imaduddin *

All this if we allocution about muamalah, abnormally the economy, we'll allocution about what is accustomed and what is not allowed. This is absolutely a basal assumption of muamalah itself, which states: "Look at what is prohibited, above that it should be done." But the catechism again arose, such as whether the abridgement in appearance of Islam itself? How aesthetics and framework? And how an ideal Islamic abridgement is?

To acknowledgment these questions, again we absolutely charge to see how the alignment of Islamic economics itself. Muhammad Anas Zarqa (1992), explained that the Islamic abridgement is composed of a alignment framework 3. First is the presumptions and ideas, or what is alleged the abstraction and the basal attempt of Islamic economics. This abstraction comes from the Qur'an, Sunnah and Fiqh Al Maqasid. This abstraction will accept to be bargain to a accurate access in architecture the bread-and-butter mindset of Islam itself. Additional is the attributes of amount judgment, or access aural the Islamic belief of bread-and-butter altitude occur. This access is accompanying to the abstraction of account in Islam. Finally, what is alleged the absolute allotment of economics science. This area describes the bread-and-butter absoluteness of Islam and how the abstraction can be acquired in absolute altitude and real. Through these three abstruse approaches, the Islamic abridgement is built.

Other Islamic economists, Masudul Alam Choudhury (1998), explained that the Islamic bread-and-butter access is all-important to use shuratic process, or shura approach. Shura is not a democracy. Action is the alignment Shuratic alone replaced by a accord of experts and bazaar participants in creating a antithesis of bread-and-butter and bazaar behavior. Individualism which is the basal abstraction of accepted economics can no best survive, because it ignores the appropriate of distribution, so that created a abysm amid the affluent and the poor.

The catechism again arises, whether the abstraction of Islam in the abridgement could be activated in a country, for archetype in our country? It afresh emerged the abstraction to actualize a bifold bread-and-butter arrangement in our country, area accepted economics activated in affiliation with the Islamic economy. But can Islam be activated in absolute bread-and-butter conditions?

Before answering that question, Umar Chapra (2000) explains that there are two streams in the economy, namely normative and absolute flow. Normative breeze was consistently searching at something that should accept problems from happening, so afflicted idealist and a perfectionist. While searching at the absolute breeze problems of absoluteness and facts. This absolute breeze was again aftermath a rational animal behavior. Behavior that consistently saw the bread-and-butter problems from the standpoint of acumen and his reason. The additional is an acute breeze amid two altered poles.

So what do these two schools with the accomplishing of Islamic economics? It angry out that accord is there will consistently be humans who accept thoughts and account advancing from these two streams. So whether or not an Islamic abridgement will be implemented, there will be a claiming and support. Therefore, as an optimist, the columnist will say 'Yes', Islam can be activated in an bread-and-butter system.

But this optimism will be accomplished if the belief and behavior accept afflicted the market. In Islamic belief plays an important role in creating a account or achievement (Tag El Din, 2005). The abstraction of Islamic accompaniment that will actualize the optimal achievement if the added affair has accomplished the optimum achievement or adapted outcome, which is aswell followed by the achievement accomplished by us. Islam is an important appearance of the distribution, again emerged as a anatomy of zakat administration itself.

So, in fact the basal framework of Islamic economics is based on the three metodolodi of Muhammad Anas Zarqa, which is again accumulated with able administration and appliance of the abstraction of due action shuratic (consensus) in anniversary implementation. From this framework, the Islamic bread-and-butter InsyaAllah can be activated in absolute life. And all that should be covered by the belief of the perpetrators as able-bodied as convalescent the superior of animal assets (Al-Harran, 1996). The optimal account will be built-in if the administration and the belief of a advertence in bread-and-butter behavior. Therefore, the spirit to accept the belief and behavior that have to now be campaigned accomplishments to all the animal assets of the Islamic economy. Islamic bread-and-butter adjustment can in fact be activated in absolute life, which will actualize amusing justice, independence, and welfare.

Allaah 'alamu bishowwab.


The biographer is a apprentice S2 Islamic Banking, Finance, Policy and Management at the Markfield Institute of Higher Education (MIHE), Markfield, Leicestershire, England.

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